



Second-hand steel structure is a good choice for cost saving

Release Time:2022-05-11      Hit Count:262

For some projects, there is not enough money, it is necessary to choose the right way to save cost, second-hand steel structure is a good choice, reasonable planning should pay attention to some problems in the weighing capacity, in some brick and wood structures, reasonable layout, not lost in the new.

To know that steel is a non-renewable resource, not a disposable product, can be recycled, so the second-hand steel structure market will develop. But in the second-hand steel structure plant need to pay attention to the key points of the service life, mainly in the superstructure, steel structure need to understand, so in the horizontal strength, as well as in the daily use of rust and so on to understand.

The advantage of second-hand steel structure lies in the thorn, saving resources and saving costs, saving a lot of resources for the country, and improving the intensity. The development of the industry complies with the market situation, and the rational use of the development of The Times.

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Xuzhou Yuhan steel structure

Years of industry experience accumulation, professional focus on steel structure engineering

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